Thursday, 15 December 2011 | 0 comments

I figured you might be using Google AdSense too (if you are not, you
should give it a try), so I wanted to share the single best tip from
my presentation with you.


Many people come to me asking how they can make money with Google

AdSense. I always tell them the first thing they need is some
organic traffic (i.e., traffic from search engines). There is no
magic number, but I would aim to have at least 300 daily visitors
from search engines before trying to use AdSense.

The problem is that even people who already have that kind of

traffic usually have a hard time making money with AdSense. They
plug the units into their websites, and at the end of the month
they make a couple of bucks....

How come? That is because they don`t know how to optimize AdSense.

This includes picking the right units, formating them effective,
placing them at the right spots and so on.

It`s a somewhat complex process, but there is one tip I have that

is easy to apply and will produce outstanding results. The tip is
to use the "Champion Combo".

The "Champion Combo" is simply a nickname I have given for a

combination of one specific AdSense unit placed at one specific
location. That is, the 336x280 large rectangle unit placed below
your post titles (it's important to not confuse your users, though,
as this could violate AdSense terms, so make sure there is a
separation between the post title and the ads, or that you
place an "Advertising" label above the AdSense unit).

I would guess that on 95% of the cases this

unit/placement combination will produce the highest possible
earnings. If you have never tried it, you should, as I am sure your
overall earnings will double, triple, or even quadruple!

The only drawback of this strategy is that it`s quite intrusive. If

you want to find a compromise, though, you can display the 336x280
unit only on posts older than 7 days, for example. This will make
sure that your loyal visitors, who come to read your latest post
every day, will not see the ad, while visitors coming from search
engines to your older posts will.

How do I manage to show my ads only on posts older than 7 days? By

using a WordPress plugin called "why do work". Simply search on
Google for "why do work plugin" and you`ll find it.

And there you go, this is my single best tip for people who want

to make money with Google AdSense.

Monday, 29 August 2011 | 2 comments


The objective of this article is to help students to run Turbo c++ under Ubuntu (Linux) O/S. 

Turbo c++ is a very widely used compiler for C and C++ in most Indian schools and colleges. Though there are many other compilers like Eclipse CPP (not to be confused for Eclipse IDE for Java), CINT etc.. available for free and offer better useful and interesting IDE features, many schools and colleges are still using Turbo c++ which is an outdated compiler. As students are never exposed to such new technology updates, they are not confident in using latest C++ compilers.

The reason why Turbo C++ cannot run under Ubuntu is  because turbo C++ is built for DOS. But there is a way of doing it. The solution to this problem is using Dosbox, which is a DOS emulator for Linux O/S. Dosbox has a repution of being very light and stable emulator for DOS based programs and was developed with the intension of using it to emulate DOS games and programs

on linuX  ----> READ MORE


Yo Frankie! Yo Frankie! is the famous 3D game created by the Blender Institute. The universe and the characters of the game are based on the open source animated short film entitled Big Buck Bunny. Yo Frankie! was recently released this November of 2008 and is currently available for download. Neverball Neverball is a 3D platform game similar to Super Monkey 
Ball. Its...------->READ MORE


Turbo c++ on ubuntu using Dosbox


Turbo c++ on ubuntu using Dosbox

The objective of this article is to help students to run Turbo c++ under Ubuntu (Linux) O/S. 

Turbo c++ is a very widely used compiler for C and C++ in most Indian schools and colleges. Though there are many other compilers like Eclipse CPP (not to be confused for Eclipse IDE for Java), CINT etc.. available for free and offer better useful and interesting IDE features, many schools and colleges are still using Turbo c++ which is an outdated compiler. As students are never exposed to such new technology updates, they are not confident in using latest C++ compilers.

The reason why Turbo C++ cannot run under Ubuntu is  because turbo C++ is built for DOS. But there is a way of doing it. The solution to this problem is using Dosbox, which is a DOS emulator for Linux O/S. Dosbox has a repution of being very light and stable emulator for DOS based programs and was developed with the intension of using it to emulate DOS games and programs on linux systems.

You may be wondering why I chose Dosbox instead of WINE, well thats because wine cannot handle dos programs like Turbo C++, and in my experience wine is  heavy on the system as it is basically meant for Windows based programs.

Steps to get it going


Run this command in terminal(Ctrl+Alt+T): 


sudo apt-get install dosbox
Once your done installing Dosbox you will now need the turbo C++ installation file which can be downloaded from here(download).

Unzip the turbo C++ zip folder and place the files in home/your-user-name directory under a folder called setup.

Now open up Dosbox and Type in the below code (in separate lines):

mount c ~
cd setup

This will start the setup of  Turbo C++.

Here choose the destination drive as c and source path as setup in the next window.

Select "Start Installation" in the below window.

Turbo C++ is now installed on Dosbox. You may consider checking it by executing the following code on Dosbox (in separate lines):


cd TC\bin


Step 2) Creating the configuration file

Run this command in DOSBOX to generate the configuration file which will be stored as: /home/user-name/dosbox.conf
Ensure you enter your system user-name in place of "your-username" in the below code:


config -writeconf /home/your-username/dosbox.conf

Step 3) Creating auto-mount and emulating in fullscreen.

Open dosbox.conf that we created earlier in any text editor, which you will find it under home/your-username, and configure DOSBOX for auto-mount.

Add the following lines at the end of the configuration file as shown in the above highlight.

mount c ~ /home/your-username/

Now to set the default screen size to full-screen, find the word fullscreen in the same file (dosbox.conf)  and change its value to true:

Now you are done setting up the configuration file for Dosbox to auto-mount and emulate in fullscreen. Save the file and close it.

Step 4)  Deleting Ctrl+F9 key to avoid shutdown of Dosbox

And in the end you will have to delete a key from the Dosbox keymapper : Ctrl+F9
Since Ctrl+F9 is a Shutdown key in Dosbox you may feel very irritated with it, as the same key is used to compile a program in Turbo C++.

To work-around this issue, open dosbox and hold Ctrl+F1. Now in the window, select the shutdown option on the right hand side bottom, click on delete and then save and exit. This should remove the keymap to Shutdown DOSBOX.

Step 5) Creating Launcher

To make things more convenient, we will create a launcher so that you can run your compiler just by double clicking on it. Here's how you can do it: 

Right click on the desktop and select create launcher.
Name: Turbo c++
command: dosbox -c TC.EXE -c EXIT

and now its all set for you to enjoy Turbo C++ on Ubuntu.

Note: Since we have set Dosbox to open in fullscreen you may consider the Alt+Enter key to use it under seamless mode  .




Yo Frankie! is the famous 3D game created by the Blender Institute. The universe and the characters of the game are based on the open source animated short film entitled Big Buck Bunny. Yo Frankie! was recently released this November of 2008 and is currently available for download.

Neverball is a 3D platform game similar to Super Monkey Ball. Its main gameplay is based on moving a ball using gravity by tilting the game world, not directly controlling the ball. The mouse (or a similar pointing device), keyboard, or joystick tilt the level to help guide the ball to a goal, via an obstacle course, with a set time limit. Moving platforms and other crazy objects get in the way, making levels progressively harder.



SuperTux is a classic 2D jump'n run sidescroller game in a style similar to the original Super Mario games covered under the GPL


Secret Maryo Chronicles is yet another 2D jump-and-run game that’s based on Nintendo’s Super Mario Series. The game is a SourceForge project that began in 2003. Until now, it is still actively developed and maintained by the Secret Maryo Chronicles development team, led by Florian Richter ("FluXy").


NuclearChess is a chess variant. Whenever a piece is captured, both pieces and all pieces on neighbour fields die. Games are short and fun even for people who usually don't play chess.
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