Microsoft had just launched windows 8 full version But many machines cant support as they does not meet minimum requirements,So we are giving free Windows 8 transformation 6.5 pack.
We can transfer windows XP, Windows 7 or Windows Vista to new Windows 8.
This application allows us to change Boot Screen,Task Bar,Login Screen,Sound,Themes,Wallpapers,Icons Etcetera.
System Requirements
We can transfer windows XP, Windows 7 or Windows Vista to new Windows 8.
This application allows us to change Boot Screen,Task Bar,Login Screen,Sound,Themes,Wallpapers,Icons Etcetera.
System Requirements
- Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - Required for system files transformation in Windows XP/Server 2003 x64 Editions Only.
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 - Required for Windows 8 features like User Tile/Metro UI Desktop/Auto-colorization.
Too Much mOneY,aInt'T Enough MonEy