Status:Paying has successfully stepped into hyip buisness and started to pay their members in time without any problem,The site does have professional look and could stay for long time,After the big failure of Roayalt7 all hyips are stepping into scam innocent investors but this site is paying,So we recommend to invest here,Here the investment Plans:-
Investment Plans
Plan 1 , A simple interest plan with a minimum investment amount of $ 1.00 to a maximum of $ 10000.00. Total duration of 5 Days. Total interest 130.00% Plan 2 , A simple interest plan with a minimum investment amount of $ 10.00 to a maximum of $ 10000.00. Total duration of 10 Days. Total interest 150.00%. Plan 3 , A simple interest plan with a minimum investment amount of $ 10.00 to a maximum of $ 10000.00. Total duration of 15 Days. Total interest 160.00%. Plan 4 , A simple interest plan with a minimum investment amount of $ 10.00 to a maximum of $ 15000.00. Total duration of 30 Days. Total interest 8.00%. |
Proof |
Proof : Link 1 Link 2 | |